Monday, December 09, 2002

Brian! Good to hear form you. If I were in the TriCities again you think I wouldn't have looked you up by now? I'd have my own band again. Living in Bell (oh GOD!) Buckle now, and doing that voodoo I do so well - Got tired of being Master of the Funkwrench in Nashville so I do my thing here in this little 'burg. I'm doing my art thing and by the way, I did a painting of Rebecca from one of the old pics I did of her - Slammin! Wanna see? No one else look - Write me! Or join our MSN sessions this evening with Rick, Bill, James and anyone brave enough to ask in!
To Brooke;
Of course we have a water-like substance here, but it moves a bit more slowly in winter. And of burning something; yeah we could build something, but why do that when we've got whole square of shops selling cheesy and contrived folk-art crap that will go like a tenderbox!
And to Julie Fann; I like it but here's something -
I found this magic trick in the pages of a very old book (this will just kill you)
it says; that by putting words together in certain secret ways,
you can poison people

All together now - Everybody BrainStorm!


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