Friday, December 24, 2004

It's time to clear this up

It's time for me to come forward and clear up something, and I should have done this a while back. I apoligize for any harm caused by me not rushing forward with the truth. but after Britney's "marriage" I felt this would pass under the social radar without a blip,,,, I see now I was wrong.

Let me say, for the record, here where all can read it, that I am not the reason for Nick and Jessica's recent marital striff. As far as I know, it was because of his attending a strip club, and had nothing to do with Jessica and my relationship. Our relationship has always been cordial of course, but we have never been close. Sure we both shop at the Target on White Bridge Road,,,, who doesn't??? That does not mean there has ever been anything more between us, and Nick can rest easy that I would not become involved with his wife... I wish them both the best.

How these rumors got started is anyones guess. I suppose that it is not unreasonable that a certain someone from Louisiana might have let her tongue slip and made the most innocent of things appear out of context as something vile and disgusting. I hope all know of my sincerity when I say it is time to move on. There is nothing between Jessica and myself. Please stop the hurting and let these kids work things out.




Blogger Nicky said...

Well put, Sir.
Perhaps now, this chaos will cease.

Saturday, December 25, 2004 12:35:00 AM  
Blogger Zen Bubba said...

That's my goal, I think there has been enough hurt already. I think some folks should grow up (you know who you are Miss Spears) and stop spreading these unfounded accusations. Enough is enough!

Saturday, December 25, 2004 1:57:00 PM  

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